Impact of Patent Construction – How to Prove Infringement and Validity in the USA, UK and Germany

This seminar will:

  • Examine the principles of claim construction in the three jurisdictions
  • Contrast the doctrines of equivalents and purposive construction
  • Analyze validity requirements
  • Illustrate the major issues with panel discussion, comparative examples and case studies


This seminar will provide:

  • A unique opportunity to spend a whole day in detailed analysis with recognised experts
  • A comprehensive overview of the principles of patent claim interpretation and validity determination in the US, UK and Germany
  • A comparison and explanation of the varying approaches for determining when a patent claim that does not literally describe an accused system is nonetheless infringed
  • An analysis and of the conclusions reached in the USA, UK and Germany regarding the validity
  • Recommendations for the preparation and prosecution of patent applications, as well as the litigation of issued patents
  • Ongoing opportunities for participants to ask questions and discuss individual concerns


Who Should Attend: 

  • Patent professionals in private practice, including patent attorneys and lawyers
  • Heads of IP, Heads of Patent and in-house patent counsel at every level
  • Patent engineers and inventors
  • All whose responsibilities include the need to understand the scope of patent coverage in USA, UK and Germany



  • Bradley Hulbert, McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff, LLP, Chicago
  • Ulrich Blumenroder, Grunecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhausser, Munich
  • William Cook, Marks & Clerk Solicitors, London 


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