What’s In (Protection of) a Name? (Live MBHB Webinar)

Tues., July 17, 2018 | 10:00-11:15 a.m. CT | Live MBHB Webinar via WebEx 

  • Protecting rights with respect to personal names (surnames, names of living individuals, and portraits and signatures),

  • Risks related to the use of names as trademarks

  • Considerations related to protection of celebrity names:
    o Protection and registration and strategies
    o Pre-emptive trademark protection and filings, and requisite bona fide intent to use
    o Post-death or post-celebrity considerations


Presenter(s): MBHB attorneys Eric Moran and Nicole Reifman


McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP is committed to educating clients and friends of the firm with respect to significant developments and trends in the areas of intellectual property law. 

NOTE: MCLE credit is not available for this archived recording. 

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