MBHB Attorney Sarah Duda Authors Article Entitled, “The Patent Exchange: A New Approach to Licensing Intellectual Property”

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP attorney Sarah J. Duda authored an article entitled, “The Patent Exchange: A New Approach to Licensing Intellectual Property” that appears in the October 2012 edition of Intellectual Property Today. Underutilized patents are holding intellectual property owners ransom to the tune of $1 trillion dollars annually. The solution? Monetize valuable intellectual property (IP) assets on the open market, and see exactly how much your IP is worth. Such a strategy is now possible through a new Chicago-based exchange called the Intellectual Property Exchange International (IPXI), which allows IP rights to be bought and sold as unit license right™ (ULR™) contracts on an open market.

View the article (subscription required)

Note: this article originally appeared in the MBHB Summer 2012 edition of snippets publication.

Benjamin Urban, an MBHB 2012 summer associate, contributed to this article.
