McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP partner Dr. Kevin E. Noonan is quoted extensively in a January 11, 2013 edition of Bloomberg BNA’s Life Sciences Law & Industry Report in an article entitled, “Gene, Method Patent Rulings Said Top Issues for Life Sciences This Year.” Life Sciences Law & Industry Report asked attorneys and biopharma executives on its editorial advisory board and other experts, including ones from the United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan, to predict the top issues for 2013. In years past, legislation and regulations concerning the abbreviated approval pathway for biosimilars, patent reform, and health care reform figured prominently, and they were cited again for 2013 relating to their implementation. But those commenting paid the most attention to the impact of court rulings from the previous year and anticipated 2013 rulings on issues such as whether isolated DNA and diagnostic methods are patentable subject matter. Two attorneys indicated that the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Myriad ‘‘gene patent’’ case will be remarkable in that its impact will be immediate. View the article