MBHB Partner Sherri Oslick Featured in Chemical Heritage Foundation “Stories from the Field” Podcast

MBHB partner Sherri Oslick, Ph.D. is the featured speaker in a Sept. 2, 2013 podcast for the Chemical Heritage Foundation’s “Stories from the Field” series. In the podcast — entitled “The most important thing is to find the people you feel will make a good team” — Dr. Oslick discusses that while finding the right path requires talking to a lot of people, it also means listening to your instincts.

The “Stories from the Field” series preserves and celebrates the contributions of women working in chemistry and related sciences. The project captures scientific adventures and career insights in short, conversational audio interviews.

View Dr. Oslick’s podcast at http://www.chemheritage.org/discover/online-resources/stories-from-the-field/sherri-oslick.aspx
