MBHB Associates Dr. John Cravero and Trey Lyons Address Students in Stellar Girls Program Regarding Importance of STEM Careers

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP (“MBHB”) associates Dr. John Cravero and Trey Lyons addressed elementary and middle school students in the iBIO Institute’s Stellar Girls Program at Walter L. Newberry Math & Science Academy regarding the importance of STEM careers and intellectual property at a presentation held November 2 in Chicago, IL. Mr. Cravero and Mr. Lyons gave the presentation in conjunction with their work on the Stellar Girls Program, which gives students the opportunity to interact with STEM professionals, learn about STEM careers, and apply STEM skills to real-world problems.  iBIO Institute delivers industry-led science and math programs for teachers and students, thereby inspiring the next generation of innovators and helping restore America’s leadership in technology education.
