McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP a Proud Sponsor of 2015 IP Counsel Cafe Spring Meeting

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP is proud to be an official sponsor of the 2015 IP Counsel Cafe Spring Meeting entitled, “Patentability and Ambiguity: Navigating Today’s Reality.” It is set for April 22-24, 2015 in Palo Alto, California.

The state of patent protection will likely remain unsettled in our lifetime. In June 2014, the Supreme Court issued its Alice opinion, changing the Rules of patentability and creating ambiguity around patent prosecution, litigation, licensing, and acquisitions. Patent reform efforts continue in Congress. The uncertainty over the future of patentability has had a chilling effect: Will our portfolios, which we’ve spent so much to build, be worth a fraction of their values tomorrow? Facing this uncertainty, are companies laying low or pro-actively navigating the ambiguity that is our new reality? Join nearly 300 IP counsel at this event.

MBHB partner Bradley Hulbert is a co-speaker for the following panel presentation taking place from 10:00-11:00 a.m. on Wed., April 22:

Strategic Patent Portfolio Building in Today’s Shifting Landscape: Alice, IPRs and Other Considerations

Strategic portfolio building is important not only for defense and monetization, but also keeping a company at the head of innovation. In the past, companies aimed to build large patent portfolios to increase their war chest, but the Supreme Court’s Alice opinion and the new post-grant proceedings have brought patent quality under greater scrutiny. What are the new strategic considerations?

  • How to balance product protection and revenue generation?
  • How to deal with the uncertainty caused by the recent Alice decision?
  • Using competitive analysis for portfolio building
  • The role of big data
  • Considerations for high-growth industries



  • Brett Alten, Head of IP, SolarCity
  • Mark Davis, IP Counsel, Microchip Technology
  • Bradley Hulbert, Partner, McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
  • Lisa McFall, Deputy General Counsel, IP, Workday
  • Heather Molleur, Associate Patent Counsel, Kinestral
  • Stuart Smolen, Senior Associate General Counsel, Walmart eCommerce


About IP Counsel Cafe

IP Counsel Café is committed to keeping you at the forefront of IP law. To that end, we conduct extensive research and work closely with the legal community to gather market intelligence and design informational tools that meet your professional and business development needs. Unique and forward-thinking, we address industry challenges in a new light. Things move fast in the world of IP law. 

View complete details here
