McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP a Proud Sponsor of Fall 2016 IP Strategy Summit: Chicago

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP is proud to be an official sponsor of the Fall 2016 IP Strategy Summit: Chicago  set for November 8, 2016 at the Swissotel Chicago.

The IP environment has been turned upside-down over the last 24 months:

  • ALICE v CLS cast uncertainty on the very nature of what’s patentable
  • Octane & Highmark ​decisions loosened up fee shifting standards
  • Post issuance proceedings can create ​risky outcomes

How Does All This Impact Your Portfolio Strategy? Come join thought leaders for a full day of learning, benchmarking and networking on the issues facing every in-house counsel.

MBHB partners Grantland Drutchas and Joshua Rich, Ph.D. are featured co-speakers for a panel presentation taking place at 9:20 a.m. as follows:

To Patent or To Trade Secret – When Do Trade Secrets Make Sense?

In today’s post ALICE & AIA world, coupled with worries about invalidity and patentable subject matter, when does it make sense to Patent and when does it make sense to utilize trade secrets? This panel will explore:

  • What is the best way to start tackling this question
  • When does it make sense to patent
  • If you Trade Secret then what are the process you need in place

Proactive strategies:

– Hiring

– Avoiding breach issues

– Working with R&D

– Education

View complete details here
